Sunday, 22 October 2017

Understanding Social Media - Part 2

So, lets look at some more symbols and platforms to get your social media knowledge up to date. I have not covered them all here, just the most used ones in my opinion.

Ease of use rating: 4/5

In the second row, we begin with Instagram, a camera symbol within a square. Instagram is an app usually associated with your tablet. You can upload photos, add on filters to make everything look amazing, and share them with friends. You can chose who to follow, and the app will suggest people from your facebook friends if you link them together with your account. The app is compatible with ios (apple) and android systems. It will ask you to sign up an account using your email address. Look out for a later post on how to sign up for an email address if you need one!

Instagram can transform you pictures from this...

To this, in literally under a minute! A big relief for all of you that shoot too much sky or foreground! Watch the birdy!!

Ease of use rating: 2/5

This is an app that you would most like use on your mobile. You are really down with the kids if you get this app! This one is a bit of a mix of all of the others. The main purpose is to share pictures, but with a twist. There are all kinds of filters that you can use, give your selfie a halo with flowers, make yourself look like an animal, mostly pretty useless stuff, but the kids love it. Not my favorite app, but like to use it with my nephews to create funny pictures on a quiet day.

What's App
Ease of use rating: 5/5

The app that displays a greem square with a handset. Really handy if you live or have friends and famiy overseas as it allows you to send messages, photos, videos, phone and message calls for free, providing you have wi-fi access. To access the app, go to the apple store if you have an iPhone or apple product, or play store for android products, search for What's App and you can download it for free. You will need to sign up with your mobile number, and it will send you an access code by text message to enter, but the instructions are very clear and straightforward. Along with facebook, this is my other most used form of social media and networking. 

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